Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Conditional Offer

This is the 6th installment in chronicling my journey into law enforcement.  If you would like to read from the beginning, it is best to start with The Foundation.

The day after the interview it was back to work at the hospital for another day of training.  It was defensive tactics day and boy was it fun!  I have had defensive tactics training a couple different times, but it is one of those things that you need to continue to practice if you don't want lose it.  I'm sure you could handle yourself if you really needed to, but practice makes one smooth and I hope someday that is how I will conduct myself.  In most of the training I have had, the instructor shows everyone a technique and then you practice it one or two times before you go on to learning the next technique.  On this day the instructor put on the red man suit and created realistic scenarios that we might and probably will encounter in the hospital at some point.  Later in the day, he created more scenarios, only then we were to use everything we had learned that day and put it all together.  That is when things really started clicking and you started to feel a little more comfortable and confident with the tactics and techniques that we had learned that week.

On one of our breaks I went to check my cell phone to see if I had any text messages from anyone.  I didn't find any text messages but I did find that I had a missed call and a new voice mail.  Could it be one of the police departments I'm in the process for?  Hopefully, but clearly it couldn't have been about my interview the day before because it had only been 24 hours.  I still had a few minutes left of break so I listened to the message.

"Hi Thomas, This is Chief Smith.  I have good did very well on your interview and we would like to make a conditional offer of employment to you. What will happen from here is that Lieutenant Jones will be getting in touch with you probably Monday or Tuesday.  You should be getting a letter here on Saturday or at least by Monday that you will need to sign it and send it back to us with either your acceptance or denial of the offer, which I'm assuming you will accept based on the fantastic job you did on the interview and all the lengths you took to get to us that you will accept.  Then they will schedule you for a physical and a psychological evaluation and they will do a background investigation on you, which I'm sure will come back stellar.  After that they will schedule you for an academy and we can get the ball rolling.  Anyways, Congratulations, we really hope you accept it and let us know."

Wow!! Needless to say I threw my hand up in the air in excitement.  I don't know if I had ever been so excited.  This had been one crazy week with so many extreme emotions.  I immediately called the secretary and verbally accepted the offer on the phone.  Over the weekend the paperwork came in the mail and I signed the offer and mailed it back almost as soon as I opened it.

I am currently waiting for the Lt. to contact me to schedule those last few things in the process.

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